Tuesday, April 28, 2015

"Okay Justin," Is what you say, "They've got a logo, they've got there little envelopes, now people can get there mail and they know who its from. No throwing it away thinking its junk mail. Or will they? I mean what is oxford comics? What do they do? Where are they even located?"

You think you've got me caught huh? Think you're smart? Alright I've got something for you BAM!:

Advertisements all day, how does that make you feel?
Now I know what you are thinking: "Justin, how can you have a business without basic items that are branded specifically for you? You know things like envelopes, paper, business cards of course."

Fret no longer my friends I was way ahead of you before you even asked CHECK IT!

So I know it has been a while since I have uploaded anything on here. Wait no longer fellow believers, for I have returned. So where we left off was in a life or death decision about what lucky company would get a new logo from yours truly. Well we had a lucky winner:

Here is the image for its final logo choice.